Tabernacle Baptist Church

Sep 4, 20222 min

Family Devotional Guide - 9/4/22

This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on our Scripture reading from Sunday, Galatians 5:16-26. In this passage, the Paul instructs us about walking by the Spirit in holiness. This leads to forsaking sin and displaying the fruits of the spirit, one of which is love (the topic of Sunday’s sermon from 1 Corinthians 13).

Day 1

  • Scripture: Galatians 5:16-18

  • Discussion: In this passage, the apostle Paul reminds us to “walk by the Spirit.” What does it mean to walk by the Spirit? How is that concept connected to the issue of desires in v. 17. We recognize that the commands of God (with the exception of Old Testament ceremonial law) are still applicable to us (especially, for instance, the Ten Commandments). In light of that, what does Paul mean by “you are not under the law?”

  • Song: “Speak, O Lord” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

Day 2

  • Scripture: Galatians 5:19-21

  • Discussion: This section lists some of the “works of the flesh.” Paul says that works of the flesh are evident. In other words, the believer can understand readily that the items in Paul’s list in vv. 19-21 are explicitly sinful. He then ends with “and things like these.” In other words, this list is in no way comprehensive, since Paul did not list every sin. So, spend some time discussing these sins. How do we see these sins in our own lives as well as the fallen world in which we live?

  • Song: “All I Have Is Christ” by Jordan Kauflin

Day 3

  • Scripture: Galatians 5:22-26

  • Discussion: Paul ends this passage by focusing on the fruit of the Spirit. We see a contrast between “works of the flesh” (sinful actions/attitudes we perform) with “fruit” (which can be cultivated, but that which God must make to grow in us). Discuss what each of these terms mean. Spend time focusing on how Jesus demonstrated these righteous qualities. Close in prayer by committing yourself to live by the Spirit, and ask God to help you not to be conceited or provoke or envy others (v. 26).

  • Song: “Footsteps of Jesus” by Mary B.C. Slade & Asa B. Everett

Family Devotional Guide (PDF)
