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Family Devotional Guide - 1/28/24

Tabernacle Baptist Church

This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on the sermon text from Sunday, Luke 11:37-44. This passage opens with Jesus rebuking the pharisees who were more concerned about ritual (i.e. outward) cleanliness than personal holiness. Then, beginning in verse 42, Jesus issues a set of woes directed at the pharisees. We will look at each of those three woes for our three days of devotions this week.


DAY 1:

  • Scripture: Luke 11:42

  • Discussion: Jesus directed this first woe at the pharisees for being careful to tithe even the herbs and spices they had while “neglecting justice and the love of God.” Spend some time discussing what the Bible has to say about justice and God’s love. Why are these values so important to God? How might the pharisees have denied both justice and God’s love in their thoughts, words and actions?

  • Song: “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly” by Pat Barrett, Jason Ingram & Chris Tomlin


DAY 2:

  • Scripture: Luke 11:43

  • Discussion: Jesus directed this second woe at the pharisees for loving to exalt themselves. In what ways do the pharisees distribute pride in this passage? What are some modern-day situations where we might be tempted to seek the praise of others out of a prideful sense of self-importance? How might we grow in humility?

  • Song: “I Surrender All” by Judson W. Van DeVenter & Winfield S. Weeden


DAY 3:

  • Scripture: Luke 11:44

  • Discussion: Jesus directed this third woe against the pharisees by way of summary. In short, Jesus ends his words to them by declaring them spiritually dead (“you are like unmarked graves”). As religious leaders, the pharisees claimed to follow the law. However, Jesus issued this condemnation against them, telling them they were devoid of spiritual life. Why were the pharisees so deluded about their true spiritual condition? How can we guard against self-delusion in our own lives?

  • Song: “I Give You My Heart” by Reuben Morgan

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