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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 10/1/23

This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on our Scripture reading from Sunday, Matthew 17:14-20.

DAY 1:

  • Scripture: Matthew 17:14-16

  • Discussion: In this passage we see a desperate man who came to Jesus to help his son. The situation was so severe because the man’s son was at risk of burning or drowning (v. 15b). The man addresses Jesus as Lord, first and foremost, and then he asks for mercy. Discuss why it is important that he appealed to the Lord’s mercy. Spend some time discussing the mercy of Jesus, and find some passages that describe Jesus’s mercy toward others. Why were the disciples unable to solve the man’s problem?

  • Song: “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” by Andre E.M. Gretry & Lidie H. Edmunds

DAY 2:

  • Scripture: Matthew 17:17

  • Discussion: Before he rebuked the demons, Jesus rebuked the people, calling them a “faithless and twisted generation.” Jesus asked a couple of rhetorical questions. What did these questions reveal about Jesus’s concern about the people of that time? Discuss some possible answers to these questions. What does it tell us about Jesus that even in spite of his concerns, He still asked for the boy to be brought to Him?

  • Song: “His Mercy Is More” by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

DAY 3:

  • Scripture: Matthew 17:18-20

  • Discussion: After the boy was brought to Him, Jesus rebuked the demon. The text says that “the boy was healed instantly.” What does this tell us about Jesus’s power over demons? The disciples were concerned about their inability to cast out the demon. What was Jesus’s response to the disciples? What does verse 20 tell us about the importance of faith? What is the most important aspect of faith (hint: it’s not the “amount” of faith since Jesus acknowledged that God would honor even “small” faith by doing marvelous things)?

  • Song: “By Faith” Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend

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