Day 1
Scripture: Daniel 6:1-5
Discussion: In these verses we see Daniel appointed one of the high officials of the kingdom, and Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials. The other high officials and satraps sought to find a complaint against Daniel. What do we learn about Daniel’s Character from the results of the investigation by his enemies?
Song: “In Christ Alone” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Day 2
Scripture: Daniel 6:6-9
Discussion: In these verses we see King Darius willingly sign the document prohibiting prayer to anyone but Him. How does this action resemble the sins of his predecessors?
Song: “All I Have is Christ” by Jordan Kauflin
Day 3
Scripture: Daniel 6:10
Discussion: In these verses we see Daniel’s reaction to the document signed by king Darius. What specific evidences do you find in verse 10 of Daniel’s consistent obedience to God?
Song: “Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery” Matt Boswell, Matt Papa & Michael Bleecker