This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on the Scripture reading from Sunday, 1 Timothy 6:1-10.
Day 1
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:1-2
Discussion: Paul opens the 6th chapter of 1 Timothy by focusing on the public behavior of believers with regard to their vocation and employment. Even those who were serving as bondservants were called to honor those in authority above them. Paul notes that if the master is a believer, it is all the more important to respect them as a brother in Christ (given that their hard work would lead to the benefit and blessing of a fellow believer). Although we do not serve as bondservants, we do have employers and those in authority over us. How might we apply this situation to our circumstances in 21st century America? Discuss a time where it was difficult to submit to a (non-sinful) command from a superior and how you handled the situation (or should have handled the situation).
Song: “Take My Life” by Chris Tomlin, Frances R. Havergal, Henri A.C. Malan & Louie Giglio
Day 2
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:3-5
Discussion: After giving directions about submitting to authorities, Paul addresses spiritual authority figures. In this case, he is urging the church to exercise discernment regarding teachers in the church. What does Paul say to do to those who teach contrary to the teachings of our Lord (v. 3)? Describe the false teacher in your own words (based on what Paul says in verse 4). What does the false teacher “produce” (see verses 4b & 5)?
Song: “How Firm a Foundation” (words from John Rippon’s Selection of Hymns; music from Joseph Funk’s Genuine Church Music)
Day 3
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Discussion: False teachers and their followers often display an ungodly discontentment and desire for riches. Spend some time discussing the following issues: how to be content (v. 6); why godliness should be our focus (v. 6); how to have a proper perspective on worldly goods (vv. 7-8); how to guard against a desire to be rich (v. 9); and the overall danger of greed and love of money (v. 10).
Song: “10,000 Reasons” by Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman