This week’s family devotional guide is based on Psalm 103, our Scripture reading from Sunday, April 23rd.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103 (focus especially on vv. 1-2, 20-22)
Discussion: The psalmist opens with a call to worship, basically commanding himself to worship the Lord. Look at all the instances of “Bless the Lord” in this psalm. Who in this passage is commanded to bless the Lord? Why is it important that individuals, angels, etc., worship the Lord? What does that tell us about God’s praiseworthiness?
Song: “Great Are You, Lord” by Jason Ingram, Leslie Jordan & David Leonard
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103 (focus especially on vv. 3-14, 17-19)
Discussion: In verse 2, the psalmist tells us: “forget not all his benefits.” Spend some time reading through this psalm, focusing especially on the verses listed above. List all the things the Lord has done for us and others and why those things are important.
Song: “Your Great Name” by Michael Neale & Krissy Nordhoff
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103 (focus especially on vv. 15-19)
Discussion: The psalmist touches briefly on mankind in vv. 15-16. How does mankind differ in contrast to the Lord? Discuss how much greater the Lord is than us. Specifically, discuss the attributes of God mention in vv. 17-19 that contrasts with mankind.
Song: “How Great Thou Art” by Stuart W.K. Hine