For the remainder of the summer months, we’ll be featuring a “Songs of the Summer” series by utilizing some of the D-Life material from the psalms. This series will include selections that aren’t already being covered in this summer’s D-Life groups. For those not already involved in the D-Life groups, this series will give you a taste of what the groups discuss each week. Please note that we’ll be launching new groups in September, so that will be a great time to get involved.
For this week’s lesson, we will be discussing Psalm 91:1-16. One suggested use for this material would be to break up the discussion questions into three days (and read the Bible study passage each time before discussing those questions).
Discussion Questions:
Life is filled with many dangers and some live more dangerously than others. What regular dangers do you face? When is the last time you felt afraid?
In this psalm, the writer describes God’s sovereign protection of His people from life’s ever-present dangers. What does it mean to dwell in the “shelter” or “secret place” of the Most High (v. 1)? What is promised for those who do? How is God a “refuge” and “fortress” for those who trust in Him (v. 2)?
As we think about life’s dangers, what is “the snare of the fowler” (v. 3a)? What is “deadly pestilence” (v. 3b)? What is “the terror of the night” (v. 5a)? What is the “arrow that flies by day” (v. 5b)? As we face these dangers, what specific promises to claim does the writer give in these verses (v. 3-5)?
According to the writer, how is it that the righteous is merely spectators of the danger and disaster that surrounds them (v. 7-8)? For what reasons are we promised protection from the Most High (v. 9-10)? What does it mean to “make the Lord your dwelling place” (v. 9)? In what ways are you doing this?
What does God command His angels to do for those who trust in Him (v. 11-12)? Read Matt. 4:5-7. Out of all the psalms, why do you think the devil used this one for his own purposes? How did the devil misuse these verses in tempting Jesus to sin? How did Jesus respond? What can we learn from this?
When the writer concludes, “the serpent you will trample underfoot,” do you think this is an implied promise of victory over Satan? Why or why not?
God is so involved in this psalm that He begins to speak in first person (v. 14-16)? What eight great promises does God give to those who hold fast to Him in love and who know His name? Which one of these promises means the most to you today and why?
This week’s material is taken from Pastor Bill Wilks’ D-Life Study Guides (Old Testament 2, Week 22: Study of the Psalms).
Suggested Songs for Worship:
“A Mighty Fortress” by Martin Luther, Frederick H. Hedge, Matt Boswell & Jordan Critz
“Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, & Scott Cash
“How Firm a Foundation” Words from John Rippon’s A Selection of Hymns; Music from Joseph Funk’s Genuine Church Music