Jesus brings to conclusion the Sermon.
Notice the ending… HEAR, GO, DO and LIVE/STAND
Withstand the storm. Finish Well
A true disciple builds their life on the Lordship of Christ.
Faithfulness and obedience to the Lord
A true disciple withstands the storms of life
A true disciple finishes well.
The Lord’s Question – v.46
Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I tell you?
Pretty cut and dry
Saving Faith is Obeying Faith
The True Disciple – vv. 47-48
Come to Him, Hears His Words, and Does them
Hear, Believe, Trust, Obey
I believe it talks all 4. Because, if you truly believe who Jesus is then you will naturally follow Him.
Coming and Hearings is not the most important… but going and doing.
Building a house
Dug deep onto the foundation
Dedication, Discipline, Devotion
The man Jesus described in his parable “dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock” (Luke 6:48). Building his house cost him something. Living the Christian life costs us something too. It takes discipline to work at understanding the Scriptures. It takes patience to persevere in prayer. It takes courage to put sinful desires to death. It takes dedication to grow in new areas of obedience. It takes sacrifice to serve others instead of ourselves. Above all, it takes faith to trust in Jesus Christ and not hold anything back. PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, LUKE, ED. RICHARD D. PHILLIPS, PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, AND DANIEL M. DORIANI, VOL. 1, REFORMED EXPOSITORY COMMENTARY (PHILLIPSBURG, NJ: P&R PUBLISHING, 2009), 300.
When floods come
The storms of life come
Our faith stands strong
The False Disciple – v. 49
Hears and does not
A life unchanged
A life that is no different than the world
A moral life is not necessarily a converted life
Doing what they want to do
As long as if fits their agenda
No commitment to the things of the Lord
Built on no foundation
Quick. Easy. Convenient
They fall immediately when the storms come
No faith. No foundation. No hope