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Pastor’s Blog: CRT and the SBC

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Brother Kenny, Melissa and I are currently attending the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville. The meeting is one of the most significant gatherings of the convention in many years. Registration was over 15,000, double the recent average. You may already realize that I am somewhat repeating myself from last week. But this meeting of the convention was as crucial to the survival of our denomination as any since 1979. I asked you to pray diligently for the meetings, but the efforts of conservatives to the right the ship have failed. Pastor Mike Stone ended up in a runoff for President and lost by about 500 votes to a moderate, Ed Litton of Alabama. This is tragic, in my opinion. Unfortunately, not enough rank and file Southern Baptists care enough about their denomination to attend the convention and do something about it. The SBC has literally gone to hell in a handbasket. As a trustee of one of our institutions (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) I have become aware of a subtle but sure drift toward more liberal approaches and compromise with culture (see:

The Conservative Baptist Network worked hard to warn of the dangers of the unbiblical worldview of Critical Race Theory. They endorsed Bro. Mike Stone for President. Unfortunately, it was not enough. A resolution designed to deal with the issues of CRT and Intersectionality was watered down by the Resolutions Committee, and in spite of efforts from the floor to give it more teeth, the resolution passed in its water-down form. If you don’t know what CRT/I is or means, you better find out. It’s coming to a business, school, church and/or government agency near you. The old ship of the SBC is going down. We will have to reconsider our missions giving.

I am looking forward to our continued study of First John. This week I am planning, tentatively, to move on to Chapter 2. However, I may move in a different direction. Next Sunday is Father’s Day and I am so grateful for the godly influence of my dad, Ed Rush. He set a great example of faithfulness to God, his family and good conservative values that are what has made our nation great. I have tried to model that in my own life.

FAMILY WOW (Worship on Wednesday)- continues this week, and we have doubled our average attendance! This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family to join us.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday! Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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