It was so good to see many of you at church on Sunday! Our drive-in service was great, and I want to encourage you to participate in the coming weeks. The radio transmitter seems to be working well as we broadcast in the area immediately around the church on 1610 AM. We did experience some audio problems with the live stream of the drive-in service, and we are working to get that corrected going forward.
I want to give a word of thanks to the people making our online and drive-in services and studies a success. That would be our staff, particularly Bro. Kenny, Bro. Landon, Bro. Chris and Lisa Johnson. Also, Lydia Holloman and Melba Hubbard are doing a superb job. We are so blessed to have these people on the job for us at TBC. Please make an effort to thank them, encourage them and support them with your prayers.
I know you are asking, “When can we get back to in-person worship at church?” Our plan is to be back in a limited, social-distancing format on June 7. We have developed a “Welcome Home” page on the website that will give the details. Please be patient and realize that the page represents current planning that is subject to change. For the latest updates please check this page:
We are having a great time with our Wednesday night prayer service live on Facebook at 7 pm. The Q & A on the Bible with Pastor Tom has been interesting and I believe we are learning a lot.
Send your questions directly to my email account please, Please put in the subject line–TBC Q & A. Or go to our website: - there is a form you can fill out with your question and it will come to me.
MFL (Men Fearing the Lord) is meeting by Zoom on Sunday nights at 7 pm. If you have not received a Zoom invitation, send me an email requesting to be put on the invitation list. We are continuing our study of “Returning to Holiness” by Dr. Gregory Frizzell.
Please remember that the church’s financial needs continue. Thank you for your faithfulness in this regard. You can mail your tithe check to the church (please use the new PO Box) or give online at: Please allow me to share some information about online giving that you may not be aware of. Please note:
If online giving is a help, convenience or safe way for you to give, we have made it available for that purpose, and we happy that you are using it.
Be aware that when you give online there is a cost to the church to receive your gift. There is a per use transaction fee and percentage charge, normally amounting to about 3.5%. There is a small monthly charge to the church for the service. It is somewhat the same as using a credit card (for example: some gas stations charge less for cash purchases because they also have to pay a fee when credit cards are used.)
This means that with a gift of $100 the church receives $96.50 and the online service is paid $3.50 (approximately).
You will receive full credit for your gift for your tax records.
Another option you might consider is using your personal bank’s bill pay service. They will send a check on your behalf and there is no cost to the church or to you. When you enter the church’s information, please use the PO Box for the address.
Of course, you can always mail your check to the church.
Giving is an act of worship. It may not seem that way, but placing your offering in the plate at church is part of our outward evidence of our relationship with Christ. The other methods of giving are made available for those who cannot come to church physically. Let me hasten to say, we have been very blessed by the faithfulness of the congregation in our giving through the Coronavirus pandemic. I believe that God is being honored in your obedience to His instructions about tithes and offerings. Thank you!
As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – from our cars, trucks, living rooms, dens, and other locations! Pray!
Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom