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Pastor Search Committee Covenant

Tabernacle Baptist Church

On Sunday evening, November 24, we had a special Commissioning Service for our Pastor Search Committee. During this time together, we recited two covenants (one from the committee toward the church and one from the church toward the committee). Both the committee and the church desire, above all, to seek the Lord's will to discern who will be the next pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church.

Below is the covenant as presented that evening. Feel free to bookmark this page for ready reference or click here to download a PDF to store on your computer or print a copy.

Pastor Search Committee’s Covenant:

╬ Trusting wholly in God's grace, we humbly accept this sacred charge from the members of Tabernacle Baptist Church.

╬ We covenant to prepare our hearts in prayer and full surrender to seek God's guidance and will.

╬ We covenant to lay aside any personal agendas and seek only God’s perfect will and timing for this body of Christ.

╬ We covenant to work as a team with each opinion having equal value.

╬ We covenant to cut no corners in prayer, study, distance or time in finding God's perfect will and timing.

╬ We covenant to do all within our power, yet lean wholly on the Lord, not our own understanding.

╬ We covenant to trust God for the wisdom and guidance He has promised. To Him be all glory and praise in the church.

╬ We covenant to pray for our new pastor, his family, his discernment of God’s will and his transition to Tabernacle Baptist Church.

The Church Body Prayer Covenant:

╬ Trusting wholly in God's grace, we covenant to pray for you fervently, daily and specifically.

╬ We covenant to pray the specific biblical prayers as God's Spirit directs our hearts.

╬ We covenant to respect your sacred commission and support you in your work.

╬ We covenant to let you do your work without manipulation or pressure.

╬ We covenant to trust God to guide your deliberations, steps and timing for His will.

╬ We covenant to guard the bond of peace to the glory of Jesus Christ in His Church. To Him be all glory and praise in His Church.

╬ We covenant to pray for our new pastor, his family, his discernment of God’s will and his transition to Tabernacle Baptist Church.

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