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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Roots of the Faith - The Humanity of Christ - 11/1/23

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Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth – John MacArthur & Richard Mayhue

The Humanity of Christ

The Son of God is the Second Person of the Trinity, equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. In the incarnation, he took on human nature and became the God-man, one person with two natures.

  • The Son of God is the Second Person of the Trinity, sharing in the one divine nature.

  • Being fully God, the Son is equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit in nature, power, and glory, but he is distinct from them in terms of his eternal relation and roles.

  • Two thousand years ago, the eternal Son of God became incarnate, taking on a full human nature, and became the God-man, Jesus Christ.

  • By the hypostatic union, he is both fully God and fully man, two natures united in one person.

Jesus was born like any other human being.

He grew and matured like others.

He had normal physical needs.

He expressed common human emotions.

He enjoyed the kind of relationships that are characteristic of human beings.

  • John was “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:7, 20), one of Jesus’s three closest friends (Peter, James, and John; Mark 5:37; 9:2; 14:33).

  • Jesus spent three years of ministry with the Twelve (Matt. 10:1–4), and had close friendships with women (Luke 8:1–2), including Mary and Martha (John 11:1–41).

  • And Jesus was “a friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Matt. 11:19; cf. 9:10–11).

He physically suffered and died.

Because the Son of God is the fully divine Second Person of the Trinity, he is worshiped together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. As they are, so the Son is worthy of honor, thanksgiving, obedience, trust, and service.

What’s at stake in this doctrine? Our salvation! The God-man, sent by the Father to accomplish salvation, is the unique mediator between God and his fallen image-bearers. Only he as the fully divine Son could pay the infinite penalty for sin. Only he as the fully human Son incarnate could be the perfect substitute for sinful human beings. He and he alone is the Savior in whom God’s people trust for their salvation. And through the Son we enjoy a personal relationship with the living God![1]

[1] Gregg R. Allison, 50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith: A Guide to Understanding and Teaching Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books: A Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2018), 147–153.

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