Our view of trials is generally all wrong.
Trials are designed to...
Help us grow spiritually
Make us more like Christ
Develop us in holiness
Do you see THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD in all of this?
Note: Things don't "just" happen - there is a divine cause behind all things!
What is God's purpose? Cf. Romans 8:28-30
In our text and the verses following, 1:12-26, we will find three very clear observations regarding how God uses trials in our lives.
First, we see that trials produce missionary opportunities (vv. 12-14)
Second, trials provide motivation for obedience (vv. 15-18)
Third, trials prioritize magnifying the One True and Living God (vv. 19-26)
Our witness, our wisdom, and our worship are all improved when we respond correctly to adversity.
Three key things that Paul's imprisonment did, which worked for the furtherance of the Gospel...
I. Christ was Made Evident (vv. 12-13)
II. Others became Confident (v. 14)
III. You will become Radiant (vv. 15-18)