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The Gospel Call to Rest (Matthew 11:28-30) - 8/2/20

Tabernacle Baptist Church

SERMON NOTES – Rev. Kenny Wells – 8/2/20

I. To Rest, We Must Come to Christ. (Repentance)

A. The Call is a Command. (Acts 17:30)

B. The Audience is Everyone.

C. The State is Severe.

1. Weary from activity

2. Heavy-laden from condition

D. The Answer is Repentance.

E. The Rest is Complete.

II. To Rest, We Must Submit to Christ. (Lordship of Christ)

A. Submission includes Lordship. (1 John 2:4-6)

1. Submission involves submitting to an authority. (Matt. 6:24)

2. Submission involves relinquishing your own rights. (Luke 9:23)

III. To Rest, We Must Learn from Christ. (Discipleship)

A. We Learn from His Words & Teaching. (Matt. 28:12-20)

B. We Learn from His Life & Character. (Heb. 12:3)

IV. WHY Come to Christ for Rest?

A. Because of the Person of Christ.

1. He is gentle. (Matt. 12:20; Is. 42:3)

2. He is humble in heart.

B. Because of the Rest in Christ.

1. His rest supersedes physical rest. (John 14:27)

2. His rest has Christ as its source. (Is. 40:29-31)

3. His rest transcends circumstances. (Phil. 4:11)

4. His rest calms our consciences. (Matt. 11:30)

5. His rest frees us from the world's yoke.

C. Because of the Gifts of Christ

1. Easy yoke

a. Considerate

b. Proportionate

2. Light Burden

a. Freedom from works-righteousness

b. Strength from Christ

"All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." (Matthew 11:27)

"All your restlessness is Godlessness. All life's fitful fever is the result of the exiling of God; all the tempest-tossed experiences of men are due to the fact that they do not know the Father. Jesus, looking at the multitudes, sorrowing and suffering, tempest tossed and driven, restless and tired, weary and heavy-laden, said to them, in effect, If you could know God all your restlessness would cease; but you cannot know Him except through Me. But if only you will come to Me I will reveal Him to you, and you will find your rest." - G. Campbell Morgan

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