Jesus continues to warn and teach the disciples.
Here Jesus teaches on the Necessity of Repentance
Real Life Events – Pilate and the Tower in Siloam
They were more inclined to talk about what is happening to others, rather than consider our own life.
I wonder what they did… for that to happen
They had a wrong perspective (world view) on life
If you are good, then good things happen.
This is not a biblical worldview
God does judge sin and sometimes it is suddenly (Herod)
Here, it is catastrophes that take place without discrimination.
Some people still think the same way today. They believe that suffering is always and only caused by the sin of those who suffer. Therefore, they say that you are to blame for whatever goes wrong. If something bad happens—if you lose your job, or come down with a serious illness—then you must have done something bad to deserve it. You have brought your troubles on yourself.Sometimes people do suffer the consequences for their own actions. However, not all suffering is caused by someone’s sin. Even when it is, we do not know all of God’s reasons for doing what he is doing in someone’s life—including our own lives. Therefore, we simply do not have the right to make moral judgments that are based on someone’s suffering. Jesus rejected this whole line of reasoning. He said no one should think that the Galilean martyrs were any worse than anyone else. When their blood was shed, God was not singling them out to punish them for their sins.PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, LUKE, ED. RICHARD D. PHILLIPS, PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, AND DANIEL M. DORIANI, VOL. 2, REFORMED EXPOSITORY COMMENTARY (PHILLIPSBURG, NJ: P&R PUBLISHING, 2009), 4.
They did not perish because they were sinners.
We need to look at our own life. Yes, they passed, but where do we stand.
The heart of their concern… was their view of their righteousness.
We all are sinners. Romans 3:23
They were asking ..why them? We should be asking… why not me?
The Issue Is Repentance.
Turning from our sin and to Christ in faith.
“Repent and be converted” Acts 3:19
Repentance: Turning from sin to Christ. From our sin to His righteousness (J.C. Ryle)
Acknowledge sin
Sorrow over sin
Confession of our sin
Breaking off of sin
Producing a habit of deep hatred for sin
There was never one who was washed in the blood of Christ who did not feel, and mourn, and confess, and hate his own sin. (J.C. Ryle)
The Parable – Fig tree and Israel
In His vineyard
The best spot. Fertile, protection
Given much
The privilege of being God’s people (Israel)
The prosperity of living in our current culture
Not bearing fruit
Should have been producing fruit
The nation of Israel. Rejecting Christ
The fruitlessness of our churches/believers (America)
Cut it down
The judgment of God
Let it alone this year also
The grace and mercy of the Lord
How much longer does Israel need?
But if not, then cut down
A.D. 70. Destruction of the Temple
It is easy to consider the spiritual condition of others, but how often we will look in the mirror.
What will we say to the Lord when we stand before Him? Consider all that we have been given? Does what we have received compare with the fruit we are bearing?