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A Thankful Faith (Luke 17:11-19) - 7/21/24

Tabernacle Baptist Church


  • Jesus continues to teach the disciples

  • Lepers, Samaritan… the outcast are healed

  • True faith grasps the significance of Jesus

The Lepers

He met ten lepers

  • A social and physical disease Leviticus 13:45-46

  • A sign of judgement for God

  • Jews and Gentiles (both in need… no difference)

Leprosy attacks the skin, peripheral nerves (especially near the wrists, elbows, and knees), and mucus membrane. It forms lesions on the skin, and can disfigure the face by collapsing the nose and causing folding of the skin (leading some to call it “lion’s disease” due to the resulting lion-like appearance of the face)[1]

The Request

Jesus, Master, have mercy on us

  • They acknowledged His authority… they had heard of His miracles.

  • They had no answer. Mercy was their only hope

The Healing

Go and show yourself to the priests

As they went…they were cleansed

  • Their faith in God

  • He healed them (Common grace)

The One

When He saw he was healed… he turned back

  • Praising God with a loud voice

  • Fell on his face

  • Gave thanks

  • Samaritan

Where are the 9?


  • Faith is TRUST (Saving faith)

  • Faith is more than words

  • Faith is a mindset that leads to transformation

  • Praise, Worship, Devotion, Commitment

1 Peter 1:8–9 – Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (ESV)

[1] John MacArthur, Luke 11–17, MacArthur New Testament Commentary (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2013), 389.

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