This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on our Scripture reading from Sunday, Psalm 67.
DAY 1:
Scripture: Psalm 67:1-3
Discussion: The psalmist opens by expressing a desire that the Lord would bless His people. In particular, he desires that God “be gracious to us…bless us…make his face to shine upon us.” Discuss what each of these phrases mean. The psalmist connects such blessing with his desire that the Lord’s “way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations” (v. 2). How might we see the Lord’s blessing on His people (i.e. His church across the world) point to the Lord’s power (v. 2)? How might the Lord’s power displayed in His graciousness toward His people point others to the gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving power (v. 2)? God’s blessing, grace, gospel, power, and so much more is truly cause for praising Him (v. 3)!
Song: “10,000 Reasons” by Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman
DAY 2:
Scripture: Psalm 67:4-5
Discussion: The psalmist declares his desire that the “nations be glad and sing for joy.” The reason that the world has cause for rejoicing is because the Lord “judge[s] the peoples with equity and guide[s] the nations upon earth.” What does equity mean, and how does the Lord display it in His dealings with humanity across this world? How does the Lord guide humanity? Discuss different ways the Lord exercises His sovereign rule among the nations and peoples. Truly, His rule over the nations is cause for praise (v. 5)!
Song: “Across the Lands” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
DAY 3:
Scripture: Psalm 67:6-7
Discussion: The psalmist declares that “the earth has yielded its increase,” but he is careful to point out that the blessings received from the earth (especially important for an agrarian society) flow from the certainty of God’s blessing. The psalmist is no doubt connecting the idea of the earth yielding its increase with God’s blessing. Truly, what we have is a result of God’s blessing! Spend some time thanking God for all He has done. Pray also that others would see His goodness and come to know Him, that “all the ends of the earth [would] fear him” (v. 7).
Song: “He’s Always Been Faithful” by Sara Groves