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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 10/16/22

In a recent Sunday School lesson, the account of Zacchaeus’ repentance was mentioned. This week’s devotional guide is focused on the story of his repentance, and each discussion point is taken directly from the closing points of application in an article by Steve Burchett (“Seeking and Saving Zacchaeus, the Wee Little Man”). Spend some time discussing the points made by Burchett and how we can apply them to our lives.

Day 1

  • Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

  • Discussion:Jesus is still seeking the lost in order to save them. Is the Lord seeking you? Here is one evidence that he is: if you can read English, you have access to a Bible in your language that you can immediately pick up (or click on) and read not just ten verses in Luke 19, but all of Luke, which is all about the Savior who came to seek and to save the lost!

  • Song: “Your Great Name” by Krissy Nordhoff & Michael Neale

Day 2

  • Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

  • Discussion:Jesus sometimes saves even the worst sinners. Jesus loves to save even the most ungodly who repent and look to him. I am not saying that only notorious sinners need to be saved — we all are enemies of God in need of a Savior! I am just saying that even the worst can be and sometimes have been saved, and that should cause us to say, “If God can save Moses, and David, and the woman at the well, and Zacchaeus, and Paul, he can certainly save anyone, even me!” And then I hope you will immediately join Abraham, and Zacchaeus, and believe in the Lord Jesus.

  • Song: “Grace Greater than Our Sin” by Daniel B. Towner & Julia H. Johnston

Day 3

  • Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

  • Discussion:When Jesus saves the lost, he transforms their lives. J.C. Ryle observes, “Freely pardoned, and raised from death to life, Zacchaeus felt that he could not begin too soon to show whose he was and whom he served. . . . Let us take heed that our souls are saved. Once saved and converted, we shall say, ‘What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me?’ (Ps 116:12)” [Expository Thoughts on Luke, located at].

  • Song: “You Alone Can Rescue” by Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman

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