This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on our Scripture reading from Sunday, Matthew 9:35-38.
DAY 1:
Scripture: Matthew 9:35
Discussion: What did Jesus do in this passage? What three activities are mentioned, and what does that tell us about Jesus’ priorities? Spend some time discussing what the “gospel of the kingdom” is and how you might explain that concept to an unbeliever. Finally, note the “every” that is mentioned twice in this verse. What does this tell us about Jesus’ power?
Song: “Jesus Messiah” by Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Ed Cash & Jesse Reeves
DAY 2:
Scripture: Matthew 9:36
Discussion: Jesus did not avoid the crowds, and He was not afraid to spend time among difficult people, because He had a mission to save sinful people. As such, He spent time with sinners, something He was reprimanded for by the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus responded to the scribes and Pharisees by declaring, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17, ESV). Our Savior’s attitude toward the crowd here in Matthew 9:36 is one of compassion. Spend some time discussing Jesus’ compassion toward sinners and how we can better have compassion toward lost people in our lives. What does that kind of compassion look like? What are some errors that we must avoid in showing compassion toward others?
Song: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” by Philip P. Bliss & Rowland H. Prichard
DAY 3:
Scripture: Matthew 9:37-38
Discussion: In response to the crowds being “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd,” Jesus declares that “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” His heart to see the crowd taken care of led Him to declare the need for more people to help shepherd their fellow human beings. Jesus does not give us a manual for pastor search committees, a set of guidelines for recruiting Sunday School teachers, or any other practical plan for getting others involved in the various aspects of ministry. Instead, Jesus turns His primary attention toward prayer! So, let us respond today by spending a moment and praying for the Lord to “send out laborers into his harvest.” Think about the different ministries of our church and ask the Lord to lead others to get involved in serving Him in different areas at TBC!
Song: “Lord, Here Am I” by Fanny J. Crosby & John Ness Beck