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Family Devotional Guide - 11/1/20

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Day 1

  • Scripture: Psalm 33:1-5, 20-22

  • Discussion: There are two things that a godly nation rejoices in: the righteousness of God and the refuge of God. How might we as God’s people help our country to rejoice in righteousness and the refuge found in God alone? Spend some time praying that our nation would turn to God’s Word and the righteous principles found therein (vv. 4-5) and that we would rely on Him as our only hope (vv. 20-22).

  • Song: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” by Martin Luther; translated by Frederick H. Hedge

Day 2

  • Scripture: Psalm 33:6-12

  • Discussion: A godly nation recognizes the reign of God. During this election season, it is very easy to let the turmoil around us unsettle us. However, we know that the Lord is sovereign and in control! As we near Election Day, spend some time praying for the election and the results that will come from the election. Pray for peace and order in what may be a turbulent election process. And as we think of the election of a president, pray that God would cause our nation to recognize that He is ultimately in charge and deserves our submission and worship!

  • Song: “Eternal Father, Strong to Save” by William Whiting & John B. Dykes

Day 3

  • Scripture: Psalm 33:13-19

  • Discussion: Spend some time praying for national revival. Pray that the Lord would change the hearts of many in our nation and turn us as a nation back to the Lord. Pray for the work of the Lord to flourish, that His Word may be honored, and that many repent of their sins and trust in the Lord alone for salvation.

  • Song: “Revive Us Again” by William P. Mackay & John J. Husband

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