Day 1
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1
Discussion: In this verse, Paul lets the church in Corinth know in clear and uncertain terms that he did not come preaching “with lofty speech or wisdom.” Why is this important? How did Romans in that time view public speaking, and how was Paul’s method here different from the culture of the time?
Song: “Lord, I Need You” by Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill & Matt Maher
Day 2
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:2
Discussion: Spend some time thinking about this passage and how Paul’s life reflected what he wrote in this verse. Ask yourself whether Christ is a priority in your relationships with others. Are you known for making the Lord Jesus Christ a topic of conversation and the main emphasis of your life?
Song: “Center” by Charlie Hall & Matt Redman
Day 3
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:3-5
Discussion: Even the apostle Paul admitted that he was showed “weakness…fear and much trembling” when he ministered to the church in Corinth. However, he made it clear that he was able to show a “demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” How did the Lord use Paul’s personal weaknesses? What other passages of Scripture display other weaknesses that Paul had? What might Paul’s life and ministry look like had he not had these weaknesses?
Song: “I Surrender All” by Judson W. Van DeVenter & Winfield S. Weeden