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Family Devotional Guide - 11/22/20

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Day 1

  • Scripture: Daniel 7:15-22

  • Discussion: In this passage, the saints of the most high are promised the kingdom forever. How does the kingdom of the Lord differ from the kingdoms of this earth? Spend some time discussing the rage of these earthly kingdoms against God’s people. How should we respond in light of this passage to any persecution that we might face?

  • Song: “Lord Most High” by Don Harris & Gary Sadler

Day 2

  • Scripture: Daniel 7:23-25

  • Discussion: In this passage, the saints of the most high are persecuted by the beast for a period of time. Why do you think “the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time” (v. 25)? In other words, why does the Lord turn His people over to His enemy? What other passages might inform us of God’s purposes in having His people experience persecution?

  • Song: “Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash & Scott Cash

Day 3

  • Scripture: Daniel 7:26-28

  • Discussion: In this passage, we discover that the saints of the most high will possess the kingdom and serve and obey the Lord. This passage refers to the future after Christ has returned, but it offers food for thought for our lives today. Are we currently serving the Lord with all that we have in this life? What are some ways that you can deepen your devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and serve Him more faithfully?

  • Song: “Living for Jesus” by Thomas O. Chisholm & C. Harold Lowden

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