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Family Devotional Guide - 12/13/20

Tabernacle Baptist Church

The sermon for Sunday, December 13 from Daniel 9 deals with Daniel’s prayer of confession for himself and the nation. During this week’s devotionals, we’ll focus on confession of sin.

Day 1

  • Scripture: Daniel 9:3-19

  • Discussion: Work your way through this passage of Scripture, and spend some time praying for the things mentioned in this passage that are especially applicable to the United States of America. Pray for the Lord’s forgiveness on us and our nation. Pray that our nation would turn to the Lord.

  • Song: “Give Us Clean Hands” by Charlie Hall

Day 2

  • Scripture: 1 John 1:9

  • Discussion: Spend some time praying for personal sins that the Lord brings to your mind. We must remember that harboring sin in our own lives impacts not just our relationship with the Lord, but our relationship with others and especially our church and community. Sin has a way of harming all aspects of our lives. Pray that the Lord would help you to live in holiness.

  • Song: “Lord, I Need You” by Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher

Day 3

  • Scripture: Psalm 51

  • Discussion: Work your way through praying this psalm. Consider that these things the psalmist prays for are things that the Lord must do. Only He can “blot out my transgressions” and “wash me thoroughly from my iniquity” (v. 2), etc. Visit and look for Bro. Landon’s July 5th sermon on this passage. Spend some time listening to that sermon for a greater understanding of Psalm 51.

  • Song: “Jesus Paid It All” by Elvina M. Hall, John T. Grape & Alex Nifong

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