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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 2/16/20

Day 1

  • Scripture: Philippians 2:1-3; Romans 7:1-25

  • Discussion: Why do you think attitudes are so hard to change? What does this say about our sin nature?

  • Song: “Change My Heart, O God” by Eddie Espinosa

Day 2

  • Scripture: Philippians 2:3

  • Discussion: Is it possible to do something good “from selfish ambition or conceit?” What are some practical ways we can check our motives?

  • Song: “Give Us Clean Hands” by Charlie Hall

Day 3

  • Scripture: Philippians 2:4; Romans 15:2; John 13:31-35

  • Discussion: If selfishness is a “birthmark” of sinful humanity, then selflessness is a “birthmark” of being born again. Examine the passage from John’s gospel. What did Jesus mean by “New Commandment” and how does this connect with the context of the passage (washing the disciples’ feet & Judas’ betrayal)?

  • Song: “They’ll Know We Are Christians” by Peter Scholtes

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