For this week’s Family Devotional Guide, we’ll focus on the Scripture reading from Sunday, Isaiah 61:1-4.
Scripture: Isaiah 61:1a; Luke 4:17-18
Discussion: In Luke 4:17, we see Jesus in the synagogue as He takes the scroll of Isaiah and deliberately turns to Isaiah 61. Specifically, Jesus is applying the passage to Himself and proclaiming that “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me” and that God the Father has anointed Him. Why is this significant? What was Jesus’ goal in reading the passage as a reference to Himself (v. 21)? Discuss the immediate reception He had from them (v. 22) and the reception after He kept preaching to them (v. 28-29).
Song: “Behold Our God” by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird & Stephen Altrogge
Scripture: Isaiah 61:1b-2
Discussion: Discuss how Jesus fulfilled all these prophecies from Isaiah 61:1-2 as quoted in Luke 4:18-19. How did Jesus proclaim good news to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind and liberty for the oppressed? How do we see Jesus performing such wonderful things in our time? How do you think this connects with the end of time when Jesus will fully establish His kingdom?
Song: “Our God Saves” by Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche
Scripture: Isaiah 61:3-4
Discussion: These last two verses are not quoted by Jesus in Luke’s gospel, but they are connected in Isaiah 61 and continue the flow of thought from verses 1-2. How does the Lord make things right in verse 3-4? While this is first and foremost a message of hope for the nation of Israel, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we too will experience Jesus one day setting things right ultimately. Discuss how Christ’s kingdom is perfect in contrast to the kingdoms and nations of this world.
Song: “10,000 Reasons” by Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman