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Family Devotional Guide - 4/19/20

Tabernacle Baptist Church


  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:20

  • DISCUSSION: What are the implications of the phrase “our citizenship is in heaven?” Walk through some ways this should impact our theology, thoughts, and actions.

  • SONG: “Cornerstone” by Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan & William B. Bradbury


  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:20-21

  • DISCUSSION: Do you “eagerly wait for the Savior?” What are some things that might keep you from being eager to meet Jesus and be transformed by Him one day in heaven? Why might those things hinder the joyful longing for that day?

  • SONG: “I Will Rise” by Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Louie Giglio & Matt Maher


  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:17-19

  • DISCUSSION: Verses 17-19 set the context for Paul’s instruction on waiting for the Savior. In those verses, he asks others to imitate his godly example (in contrast to those who walk according to their own sinful desires). How does a godly walk or a carnal walk affect your desire to see Jesus? Discuss the various things Paul mentions to describe those who are “the enemies of the cross of Christ.”

  • SONG: “Be Thou My Vision” by Eleanor H. Hull & Mary E. Byrne

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