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Family Devotional Guide - 4/25/21

Tabernacle Baptist Church

This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on the 10 points from the Sermon Notes. Each point focuses on 10 character qualities of the prophet Daniel that we need to emulate. For this week’s 3-day devotional guide, use each day to focus on a character quality of Daniel. Find Scripture passages that speak on the topics and spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord to help you better live out these qualities. Suggested worship songs are provided under each point.

1. He was a Man of the Book - A Bible Man

“Standing on the Promises” by R. Kelso Carter

2. He was Devoted to God - A Disciplined Man

“O Great God” by Bob Kauflin

3. He Strived to Live a Holy Life - A Godly Man

“Take My Life (Holiness)” by Scott Underwood

4. He Was Committed to the Things of God - A Purposeful Man

“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” by Dorothy A. Thrupp, Margaret R. Tucker

& William B. Bradbury

5. He Had a High View of God - A Reverent Man

“Behold Our God” by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird & Stephen Altrogge

6. He Understood History and Culture - A Wise Man

“Be Thou My Vision” by Eleanor H. Hull & Mary E. Byrne

7. He Was Bold in the Face of Evil - A Courageous Man

“Onward Christian Soldiers” by Sabine Baring-Gould & Arthur S. Sullivan

8. He Understood Spiritual Warfare - A Fearless Man

“O Church, Arise” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

9. He Was a Gospel Preacher - A Soul-Winning Man

“The Gospel Song” by Bob Kauflin & Drew Jones

10. He Lived up to His Name - A Surrendered Man

“I Surrender All” by Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter & Winfield S. Weeden

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