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Family Devotional Guide - 5/14/23

Tabernacle Baptist Church

This week’s Family Devotional Guide features a portion from “A Prayer from a Mom for Moms” by Leslie Bennett from the Revive Our Hearts ministry website. Spend some time this week using this article to pray for your mother and other mothers you know. For the complete article, visit:

For the overwhelmed mom, woo her to Yourself to provide relief from the weight of her heavy burdens. Help her slow down to hear and follow Your voice (Matt. 11:28–30; John 10:27; Rev. 3:20).

For the new mom, lavish her with spiritual rest in sleep-deprived days. Let her grasp with both hands a confident faith that gospel grace will enable her to parent through Your power and love (Isa. 40:29–31; Eph. 3:14–21).

For the yet-to-be mom, lift her head to You as the ultimate satisfaction in the journey of waiting. Meet the longings of her heart through Jesus. Give her insight into her vital role in Kingdom building (Ps. 9:10; Ps. 113:9).

For the single mom, sustain this sister with daily stamina, wisdom, and abiding peace for the present and the future. Show her You can be trusted to carry her anxieties because of Your constant care (Phil. 4:6–7, 12–13; 1 Peter 5:7).

For the empty-nest mom, invigorate her with vision for a new season of life-giving. Divinely assign spiritual daughters for her to cherish and encourage (Gen. 3:20; Titus 2:3–5).

For the broken mom who’s lost a child or quietly suffers in a fractured relationship, heal the unspeakable hurt and open her tear-filled eyes of faith to trust You with what she cannot understand (Ps. 33:20–22, Ps. 147:3).

We lift up mothers, asking for Your selfless love to flow through us to wrap around our loved ones. As You provide, dear God, keep our familial love from eclipsing the burning affection we have for Your Son, Jesus, in whose glory we adorn and in whose matchless name we pray. Amen.

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