SCRIPTURE: 2 Peter 1:1-4
DISCUSSION: What does it mean that God has “granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness?” What implications does this have for our lives?
SONG: “In Christ Alone” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 19:16-17
DISCUSSION: How would you describe the Rich Young Ruler’s view of salvation? Is his view common today? What was the Rich Young Ruler’s main problem?
SONG: “All I Have Is Christ” by Jordan Kauflin
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 27:39-43
DISCUSSION: Do you think the chief priests, scribes and elders were sincere in saying “let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him?” How might your answer to that question impact your view of human sinfulness and method of evangelism? Spend some time thanking the Lord for overcoming your own sinful heart and drawing you to Himself.
SONG: “Jesus, Thank You” by Pat Sczebel