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Family Devotional Guide - 7/21/24

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Our current Family Devotional Guide series is an exploration of the 119th psalm.  This lengthy psalm is an acrostic psalm broken up into 22 stanzas, and we are covering one stanza each week. We pray this psalm, which focuses on the Word of God itself, will strengthen you in your walk with the Lord!


Day 1

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:89-91

  • Discussion: What is the significance of the fact that God’s “word is firmly fixed in the heavens”? What does it tell us about God’s character that His word is sure, trustworthy and settled in heaven? How should this impact our view of the Bible? The psalmist also declares that God’s faithfulness “endures to all generations.” How does God’s faithfulness extend to the written word of God? The psalmist proclaims that God “established the earth” (v. 90) and that the earth stands by God’s appointment and that “all things are [His] servants.” How does God’s rule over His creation help us trust His faithfulness more fully?

  • Song: “Ancient Words” by Lynn DeShazo

Day 2

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:92-93

  • Discussion: The psalmist declares that he “would have perished in [his] affliction” were it not for the fact that the law was his “delight” (v. 92). What scripture verses might the psalmist have clung to during his affliction? What verses give you hope during trials? How might the Lord give life through His precepts? Spend some time discussing what precepts are and how living in obedience towards the Lord’s precepts lead to a better life overall.

  • Song: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” by Martin Luther, Frederick H. Hedge, Jordan Critz & Matt Boswell


Day 3

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:94-96

  • Discussion: The psalmist cries out to the Lord: “I am yours; save me.” He follows by declaring, “for I have sought your precepts.” Discuss why it is important that when we declare “I am yours” we also seek to follow the Lord’s precepts. How might considering the Lord’s testimonies give us strength to withstand the wicked who “lie in wait to destroy”? Spend some time discussing how perfect the Bible is and how that gives us hope and reason to follow it faithfully.

  • Song: “At the Cross (Love Ran Red)” by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jonas Myrin, Matt Armstrong & Matt Redman

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