SCRIPTURE: Daniel 2:1-13
DISCUSSION: In the opening section of the 2nd chapter of Daniel, we find Nebuchadnezzar having a horrible dream and then turning to his pagan servants for the interpretation. Obviously, this proved futile, and those pagan soothsayers were unable to tell him the dream and its interpretation. Like this king, we also turn at times to sources other than God. Have you experienced a time when you turned to things other than the Lord for wisdom and regretted it? What lesson did you learn from that experience?
SONG: “Standing on the Promises” by R. Kelso Carter
SCRIPTURE: Daniel 2:14-19
DISCUSSION: Daniel immediately sought the Lord’s help in determining what dream King Nebuchadnezzar had and what it meant. The Lord answered his request and revealed the message of the dream to Daniel. What does this reveal to us about the character of God in relation to His servants? How would you have responded, knowing that failure to reveal and interpret the dream would cost your life?
SONG: “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” by Adam Geibel & George Duffield, Jr.
SCRIPTURE: Daniel 2:20-23
DISCUSSION: Daniel responded with immediate praise to God, thanking him for revealing the message and its interpretation. Name all the various aspects of God’s character & works that Daniel mentions. Spend some time discussing these qualities of God.
SONG: “Behold Our God” by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird & Stephen Altrogge