Our current Family Devotional Guide series is an exploration of the 119th psalm. This lengthy psalm is an acrostic psalm broken up into 22 stanzas, and we are covering one stanza each week. We pray this psalm, which focuses on the Word of God itself, will strengthen you in your walk with the Lord!
Day 1
Scripture: Psalm 119:73-74
Discussion: The psalmist declares that God made him and fashioned him. Since God is our Creator, what does that tell us about the importance of obeying His Word? Specifically, what does the fact that God created humanity tell us about His inherent authority over us as Lawgiver? The psalmist declares “those who fear you shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in your word.” Would you say that you live your life in such a way that other God-fearing Christians are encouraged by your obedient life? Why or why not?
Song: “Speak, O Lord” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Day 2
Scripture: Psalm 119:75-77
Discussion: Once again, the psalmist declares his trust in the Lord even in light of his affliction (“in faithfulness you have afflicted me”). How does seeing the Lord as the source of affliction and sovereign over it impact our obedience? How can we increase our level of trust in the Lord during times of difficulty? Spend some time praying for the Lord to let his steadfast love (v. 76) and mercy (v. 77) comfort you. Discuss ways that the Lord has shown His love and mercy to you.
Song: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” by Stuart Townend
Day 3
Scripture: Psalm 119:78-80
Discussion: The psalmist trusts in the Lord to deal with His personal enemies. How might a zeal for vengeance over our enemies overshadow the call to personal holiness and serve as a distraction to growing in holiness? What does the Bible tell us about responding to our enemies? Why might the psalmist desire that those who fear the Lord would turn to him (i.e. the psalmist)? He closes by declaring, “May my heart be blameless in your statutes, that I may not be put to shame!” Spend some time praying that exact prayer over your own life.
Song: “Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash & Scott Cash