(NOTE: Due to its relation to the sermon for August 28, Pastor Jon asked that we run this Family Devotional Guide from August 21 another week. We pray it will be a blessing to you as you continue to work your way through 1 Corinthians 13.)
This week’s Family Devotional Guide will focus on the sermon passage, 1 Corinthians 13. Instead of our usual three days of devotions, we will focus on spending time working through verses 4-7, where love is described. Over the course of a few days, ask yourself the diagnostic questions below. Discuss what these terms mean, and ask yourself how you could better love others.
Am I patient and kind?
Do I envy or boast?
Am I arrogant or rude?
Do I insist on my own way?
Am I irritable or resentful?
Do I rejoice at wrongdoing?
Do I rejoice with the truth?
Do I bear all things?
Do I believe all things (i.e. give the benefit of the doubt)?
Do I have hope in all things (or, in all situations)?
Do I endure all things?
Suggested Worship Songs:
Feel free to use the following songs during this week. These songs focus especially on God’s love for us, a reminder that we can only truly love because God has first loved us (1 John 4:19).
“Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)” by John Wilbur Chapman, Mark Hall & Michael Bleecker
“Jesus Loves Me” by Ben Glover, Chris Tomlin & Reuben Morgan
“And Can It Be” by Charles Wesley & Thomas Campbell