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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 8/4/24

Our current Family Devotional Guide series is an exploration of the 119th psalm.  This lengthy psalm is an acrostic psalm broken up into 22 stanzas, and we are covering one stanza each week. We pray this psalm, which focuses on the Word of God itself, will strengthen you in your walk with the Lord!


Day 1

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:105-106

  • Discussion: The psalmist compares the word of God both to a lamp and a light. How is light an appropriate metaphor to describe the Bible? Is there a difference between a lamp lighting your feet and one lighting a path? Discuss some things that might happen to us if we live in darkness without heeding the light of God’s word. The psalmist then states that he has “sworn an oath…to keep [God’s] righteous rules.” Spend some time praying and affirming to the Lord your ongoing commitment to follow His word.

  • Song: “Trust and Obey” by Daniel B. Towner & John H. Sammis

Day 2

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:107-109

  • Discussion: Several times in this psalm, the psalmist mentions affliction, as He does once again here in verse 107. What does this tell us about the reality of trials in the Christian life? The psalmist then asked the Lord to “accept [his] freewill offerings of praise.” What do you think the psalmist meant by that request? How might we lift up offerings of praise to the Lord? The psalmist states that he (the psalmist) holds his life in his hands. What is the psalmist indicating by that statement? Why is it important, when considering the course of our lives, not to forget God’s law?

  • Song: “Speak, O Lord” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend


Day 3

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:110-112

  • Discussion: Why do you think the wicked lay snares for believers? How might our obedience to God’s word draw the ire of a hostile, unbelieving world? Why might the psalmist consider God’s testimonies “the joy of [his] heart”? How might considering all the ways God has blessed us increase our joy? Spend some time discussing all the blessings you have received from the Lord. Close in prayer and utilize the psalmist’s words in verse 112, asking the Lord to incline your heart to perform His statues.

  • Song: “10,000 Reasons” by Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman

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