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Family Devotional Guide - 9/10/23

Tabernacle Baptist Church

This week’s Family Devotional Guide is based on our Scripture reading from Sunday, Matthew 16:13-20.

DAY 1:

  • Scripture: Matthew 16:13-14

  • Discussion: This passage is one of the clearest passages about the identity of “the Son of Man” and why Jesus Christ was and is the Son of Man. Bear in mind that by using the title Son of Man, Jesus was pointing, in part, to His role as Messiah (cf. Daniel 7:13-14). Before discussing His identity, Jesus first questions the disciples and asks them who the common people believed was the Son of Man. Discuss the different answers that the crowd provided: John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, one of the prophets. Why did the people believe each of these were legitimate answers?

  • Song: “Your Great Name” by Krissy Nordhoff & Michael Neale

DAY 2:

  • Scripture: Matthew 16:15-17

  • Discussion: Jesus turns His attention now to the disciples. He asks one of the most significant questions of His ministry: “But who do you say that I am?” Peter responds by saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Discuss the titles/descriptors Peter used to describe Jesus. What is another word for Christ, and what does the word mean? Why is it significant that Jesus called Himself “Son of the living God?”

  • Song: “He Is Lord” by Claire Cloninger, Linda Lee Johnson & Tom Fettke

DAY 3:

  • Scripture: Matthew 16:18-20

  • Discussion: Discuss the role of Peter and the apostles in the foundation of the church. One of the roles they had were to hold the keys of the kingdom. This very likely relates to the preaching of the gospel as well as excommunication from the church (i.e. church discipline) due to persistent, unrepentant sin. Discuss the importance of proclaiming the gospel and exercising church discipline in the life of the church. Why did Jesus end this section of Scripture by asking the disciples not to reveal His true identity for the time being?

  • Song: “The Church’s One Foundation” by Samuel J. Stone & Samuel S. Wesley

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