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Family Devotional Guide - 9/15/24

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Day 1

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:153-154

  • Discussion: As he has done during the course of this psalm, the psalmist again cries out to God for deliverance from affliction. In doing so, he affirms that he does not forget God’s law (v. 153). Do you think personal holiness might impact the Lord’s deliverance of His children? On a related note, how might the Lord permit suffering in the lives of His wayward children as a means of chastisement (cf. Hebrews 12:6)? Why is it important to ask the Lord to “plead my cause and redeem me?” What does this tell us about defending ourselves, and how can we trust God to defend us instead?

  • Song: “Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash & Scott Cash


Day 2

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:155-157

  • Discussion: What does the psalmist mean by stating that “salvation is far from the wicked?” How does the lack of holiness in the lives of unbelievers (i.e. “they do not seek your statutes”) show their true spiritual condition? How does the psalmist describe God’s mercy? Spend some time discussing the depth of the Lord’s mercy. Note that the psalmist pleads for God’s mercy in asking, “Give me life” (the same request he asked at the end of v. 154).

  • Song: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” by Stuart Townend

Day 3

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:158-160

  • Discussion: What is the psalmist’s view of the “faithless?” Why does he feel the way he does about them? According to verse 159, how is the psalmist different? Note that once again the psalmist asks the Lord to “give me life” as he does in verses 154 & 156. Why do you think he felt the need to ask this three times of the Lord in this section of Psalm 119? Finally, what does the psalmist say is the sum of God’s Word? Why is that important?

  • Song: “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death” by Jordan Kauflin, Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa & Matthew Merker

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