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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 9/5/21

The sermon for Sunday, September 5 focuses on the gospel, which can be boiled down to four elements: God, man, Christ, response. This week, we will have four days of devotions. As you discuss these elements together, ask the Lord to help you understand the gospel better so you can share the gospel more faithfully.

Day 1

  • Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-7

  • Discussion: The first element of the gospel is God Himself. We must understand that God is the holy Law-giver and the Creator of all things, including us. And, as we’ll see in the next element, we are very sinful in comparison. Discuss what it means that the Lord is holy (Isaiah 6:3). How might it distort the gospel if we skip mentioning the holiness of God?

  • Song: “Holy, Holy, Holy” by John B. Dykes & Reginald Heber

Day 2

  • Scripture: Romans 3:23; 6:23

  • Discussion: The second element of the gospel is the sinfulness of man. What does it mean to “fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23)? Have you seen the penalty of sin (Rom. 6:23) watered down? Discuss the impact of glossing over sin when giving a gospel presentation.

  • Song: “Lord, Have Mercy” by Steve Merkel

Day 3

  • Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24

  • Discussion: The third element of the gospel is that Christ is the answer. How might you explain these two Scripture passages above to an unbeliever? Discuss the theology packed in these two verses.

  • Song: “Jesus, Messiah” by Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Ed Cash & Jesse Reeves

Day 4

  • Scripture: Mark 1:14-15

  • Discussion: The final element of the gospel is the demand to repent and believe. This call to respond is the message with which Jesus began his earthly ministry in the gospel of Mark. Why is it important to both repent and believe? Which element is most missing in modern gospel presentations? How would you explain the difference between repentance and belief?

  • Song: “Amazing Grace” by John Newton

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