The ministry of John the Baptist
Preparing the way for Christ
The need to of the people… repentance
The Man- vv. 1-2
God’s perfect timing (A.D. 28/29)
400 years since the last prophetic voice
Rulers/Leaders listed, but notice that a faithful servant was given the Word.
The Message – vv. 3-14
The Content – vv. 3-6
At the Jordan
Earlier, Israel was baptized as the crossed over to take the physical kingdom.
Now, they are returning to be baptized for the spiritual kingdom.
Baptism of repentance
From the OT purification (Cleansing/Renewal)
Pointing forward (IT IS COMING)
Today… points to a new life (NOW)
A sorrow that leads to change
From – To
As it is written
Make straight.
Doing all that is necessary for the coming KING.
The audience – vv. 7-9
Brood of Vipers
Snakes coming out of a burning field.
Bear fruit worthy of repentance
Called to be the people of God, but you are living differently.
Ax – judgement is coming.
The response – 10-14
What shall we do?
The Mission – vv. 15-20
Pointing the way
A mightier one is coming.
Unworthy to tie sandals
Sovereign King
Baptize with Fire
Judge. Purify
Winnowing fork
Gather & scatter
Good news
More than just judgment
Savior that brings Good News
Seek and to Save
Give life and life more abundantly.