A look at wealth, the afterlife, and the power of the Gospel.
Our actions on this side of life are a great indication of how we will spend eternity on the other side.
Being a faithful steward with our life (our gifts and resources)
A rich man
Wealthy (yet that is not the issue)
How he utilized his wealth is the issue
Purple and fine linen
No desire to serve/help others
The poor, downcast
Depended on others
Covered in sores (not fine linens)
Both men died… Death is certain
Three deaths (John MacArthur)
Physical – We died. Separation of body and soul.
Eternal – Eternal alienation from God. Those who die that are spiritually dead. Romans 2:1-5 Hebrews 9:27
One ushered by angels…one dead and buried
The role reversals
The great chasm
Fixed positions
Gathered up by the angels!!!!
Death is swallowed up in victory 1 Corinthians 15:54-55
Abraham’s bosom
A picture of comfort and joy
Torment and agony
Two requests
Wealth is not the issue… the issue is our heart.
Our desire for wealth
Our stewardship of the wealth
We need to us our means to help others. 1 John 3:17
Things are different today… with jobs and other services.
Have a plan and a strategy to help others.
Organizations. Church. (not necessarily panhandlers)
Death is certain for all
Death is a result of sin (Genesis 3), but Christians have had their sins forgiven. Romans 8:1
Death to the unbeliever is the ultimate judgement upon their life.
Death to a believer is a reminder that we live in a fallen world and we are waiting for the restoration of all things. Acts 3:21
The Lord is painting a picture which represents the condition of the future life in a way that we can understand. The sum of it is that believing souls when they leave the body lead a joyful and blessed life outside the world, but that for the reprobate are prepared terrifying torments which can no more be conceived by our minds than can the infinite glory of God.[2]
When we pass, we take no earthly accomplishments with us
Death is the great equalizer. As wealthy as he was, the rich man was just as likely to die as Lazarus was, because whether we are rich or poor, none of us can escape the cold hand of the grave. No matter how much money we have, it will never completely save our lives. Worldly wealth cannot prevent our own inevitable demise, and when it finally happens, the only thing that will matter is our relationship to God.[1]