I am very excited about our return to Sunday School next Sunday, September 13! Please pray for your teacher and plan to be present with your family next Sunday. I know there are still valid concerns over the Coronavirus issues, but I believe the worst is behind us and that it is time to get back to work doing the ministries that God has called us to do. We must trust Him and press on in faith!
Sunday School (SS) is one of the greatest tools Baptists ever came up with to accomplish the Great Commission! SS has two purposes, first, to teach the Bible, and second, to reach the lost. The SS roll is different from the church membership roll. It is a ministry tool. You can be enrolled in SS without being a member of the church. Those who are on our SS rolls represent a list of “prospects,” either for church membership or returning to a more active participation in church. Those on the roll who may not be saved are our highest priority evangelistic prospects!
I love SS and have taught a class throughout most of my pastoral ministry. I don’t care what you call it, you might prefer life groups, connect groups, Bible study groups, whatever, but the small group focused on teaching God’s Word and reaching the lost is what we are all about. That is the Great Commission in action (Matt. 28:16-20). And I do believe Sunday School is still a perfectly acceptable name for it.
I will be teaching the Young Adults and College classes together starting next week and I’m looking forward to digging in to the book of Proverbs. Student books are available on a table in the foyer just outside the worship center.
The book of Daniel has given us much food for thought and we have heard the Gospel and been encouraged by the faith of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah! Lord willing, we will press on to Daniel 4 next Sunday and see how God’s Truth Triumphs in all circumstances. If you happen to miss one of the sermons, I urge to catch up by listening online. All of our sermons can be accessed here: https://www.tbcmacon.com/sermons
I pray that you have had a blessed, restful and safe Labor Day holiday weekend. I am looking forward to what God is going to do in the days ahead at TBC. Our best ministry is in front of us!
As always, I am looking forward to hearing about what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – once again, in-person!
Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom