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Pastor's Blog: Becoming a Welcoming Church!

Tabernacle Baptist Church

I am excited about what God is doing at Tabernacle, I trust that you are as well! Our new G.R.O.W. ministry is up and running. We are up to 59 people signed up to serve on a G.R.O.W. team! This is an “every member” ministry. Our G and R teams have met and we’ve made a number of visits, sent quite a few letters and made numerous phone calls.

March is “Prove the Tithe Month!” We are challenging each member of the church to commit to tithe for one month – let’s believe God and see what He can do. “'And try Me now in this,' Says the LORD of hosts,” (Mal. 3:10).

Are we a friendly church? I have no doubt that we “feel” we are friendly. But would that same perception be held by guests who come to our church? We are working to improve our Greeter and Usher ministry. As I write this, I am planning on teaching on this subject in our Wednesday night prayer gathering tonight. We are reaching out through G.R.O.W. – we need to make sure we are ready to properly receive and welcome people to TBC.

May I ask your prayers for safe travel and great outreach effort and revival at First Baptist Church, Nickerson, KS? My son Nathan is the pastor and we are going door-to-door this Saturday in the community. Then Sunday through Wednesday we will be in revival (March 15-18). Pray for the church to be encouraged, for souls to be saved and lives to be changed.

You will be blessed here at TBC with the preaching ministry of Dr. Kevin Moore during the morning service. Our evening service will continue with Session 3 of our G.R.O.W. training led by Pastor Landon. Pastor Kenny will lead our Wednesday service next week. We are so blessed to have these two very fine men of God on our staff at TBC. Please let them know how much you appreciate their dedicated service to the Lord and His church here at Tabernacle.

Get it on your calendar and don’t miss it – one of the best preachers in the Southern Baptist Convention will be with us on April 5 for the morning service, Dr. Jerry Vines. Dr. Vines served for many years as the Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, as well as serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. It is a great privilege for us to have Dr. Vines with us, you will hear from heaven.

Exciting plans for celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord are coming. Sharing in the Lord’s Supper, a Sunrise service, choir singing the Gospel message, preaching on the resurrection – stay tuned and invite your friends and family to join you!

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