Last Sunday the Deacons brought to the church a matter of church discipline. The process has been ongoing for some time and what transpired was the third step, which entailed “telling it to the church” (Matt. 18:15-17). Church discipline is never easy, popular, or trendy. It is, however, the right thing to do when it becomes necessary. The modern church has all but abandoned the process and this explains, at least in part, the church’s weakness in reaching a lost world.
Doing the right thing is something that God will bless. In the case of church discipline, when done in accordance with Scripture, with loving concern for repentance and reconciliation, and with a desire for submission to the authority of the Word, the outcome can only be positive in the long run. I commend our deacons for their courage and obedience in this matter. I would encourage you not to take up the offense of others, not to be hasty in forming opinions without facts, and to respect the necessary confidentiality that protects others. Gossip is never acceptable!
The task given to us as a church in the third step of discipline is to pray for the erring brother or sister, to pray for the church and its leaders, and to call upon the individual in question to truly repent, demonstrate humility, and be restored to the fellowship. We must remember Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
This coming Sunday we will continue our journey in the Book of Philippians and we will consider chapter 1, verses 9-11. The title of the message is “Excellence in the Christian Life.” Paul’s concern for the believers at Philippi was that would “approve the things that are excellent.” We will consider what those things are and the fact that ordering our lives in such a manner is a great way to honor the birth of our Savior King!
Your continued prayer support for the Pastor Search Committee will be greatly appreciated – Scott Bennett, Terry Connell, Sammy Diggins, Ronnie Griffin, John Holland, and Chris Noegel.
As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together.
Blessings, YFJS, Bro Tom