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Pastor's Blog: Drive-In Church

Tabernacle Baptist Church

What a blessing we enjoyed this past Sunday as many of us were able to gather in the parking lot and hold a drive-in church service! I am so grateful for those of you who made the effort to come – it was great to see you, even if from a distance of six feet. And, for those who could not make it, we understand. What is most important right now is staying safe. The good news is that we can stay safe and have church, either online, drive-in or both!

Here’s the plan going forward for April 19 and April 26. We will have the online Sunday School service at 9 am on Facebook Live. We will have a drive-in service at 10:30 which will be broadcast at the church on 1610 AM Radio and live streamed on our Facebook Page. I am prayerful and hopeful for a return to church services in the facility on May 3. However, if we are not back to “normal” by then we will continue with the above schedule.

We will also continue our Wednesday night prayer service live on Facebook at 7 pm. This week I will begin a new series of messages. I am going to open up the Q & A on the Bible with Pastor Tom Live on Facebook this week, April 15. Tax Day has been deferred so everyone should have plenty of time to tune in.

  1. Send your questions directly to my email account please, Please put in the subject line – TBC Q & A.

  2. Any question you have about the Bible is fair game. Maybe there is something you have been unsure of, or have heard conflicting concepts about.

a. If I don’t get enough questions then I will be taking on Unbiblical Phrases Christians Use and Believe to be True – But Aren’t! Such as:

i. Spare the rod, spoil the ______.

ii. God helps those who help themselves.

iii. Cleanliness is next to godliness.

iv. God will never give you more than you can handle.

v. God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. (Bet that one makes you sit up and think!)

vi. Well …. You get the idea! Some of the statements have partial truth in them, which makes them all the more deceptive. Someone once said,

“A half-truth is a whole lie.”

vii. Don’t settle for bumper sticker theology, like: “God is my Co-pilot,” or

“God said it, I believe it, that settles it.” (Both of these are unbiblical concepts!!)

I want to express again my thanks to the staff and to our men who volunteered to serve last week and get us ready for drive-in church. We hope the weather will be more cooperative next week, but we will try to find a way to move the platform area out over the sidewalk next to the handicap parking so that we can be more easily seen.

Please remember that the church’s financial needs continue. You can mail your tithe check to the church (please use the new PO Box) or give online at:

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – from our cars, trucks, living rooms, dens, and other locations! Pray!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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