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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Pastor's Blog: Elections

We are facing a most important point in our nation’s history. I was delighted with the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. But that will be of little value if the election reaps a “blue wave” as some are predicting. Of course, the liberal pundits had Hilary in the White House four years ago and we all know how that turned out. The cultural landscape has forced many in the church to rethink their position on the church staying out of politics.

This Sunday it is my intention, Lord willing, to address the church’s role in society and in particular its relation to the political climate. Should the church, its pastors and leadership, address the political issues of its day or this is something taboo? What is the legal position for a church to take and does it overstep the bounds of Scripture? I will attempt to answer these questions and more. I hope you will prayerfully attend Sunday’s worship service as we look to God’s Word for answers. We will turn to Psalm 33 for a look a what God says would mark a nation whose God is the Lord.

[If you miss a sermon please remember that all of our sermons can be accessed by audio here:]

On November 8 we will pick back up in Daniel chapter 7 and press on through the section of the book that many refer to as the Revelation of the Old Testament.

Thank you for your prayers for my evangelism work last week in Kentucky. I had the privilege of personally witnessing on three college campuses that resulted in 191 gospel conversations and 11 professions of faith. I will return to Kentucky for two more events next week, Nov. 4 and 5, at Morehead State University and Kentucky Wesleyan University.

Sunday School is Back! Please join us each week at 9:15 am! Please pray for your teacher and plan to be present with your family. We are having a blessed time in the book of Proverbs.

Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer Meeting are back! Please join us each Wednesday at 6:15 pm as we study the book, “The Church,” by Jeffrey Johnson.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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