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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Pastor's Blog: Evangelism

Lord willing, we will finish up Daniel 6 this Sunday, “Daniel’s Deliverance, Part 3.” Last week we left Daniel in the lion’s den. This week we will get him out! Well, we will read about how the Lord delivered Daniel. We will consider the Providential Protection of God’s Man (vv. 18-23) and the Predictable Promotion of God’s Majesty (vv. 24-28) as Daniel is protected by God in the lion’s den. Trust me, there are some incredible lessons to learned from this marvelous Bible story.

[If you miss a sermon please remember that all of our sermons can be accessed by audio here:]

Our commission as a church is to reach out to the lost with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is our primary task. Of course, we are to teach the Word, encourage one another, worship the Lord and minister to the needs of the fellowship and community. But our primary task is preaching the word and personal witnessing for the glory of God and the good of the church and those the Lord allows us to reach with the message of salvation. Are you sharing your faith? I can assure you that it is my plan, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to share the Gospel every Sunday when I preach. Now, let’s all be about the business of personal witnessing.

I have the privilege of personally witnessing this week on college campuses across the state of Kentucky through the ministry of The Great Exchange. Thank you for your prayers, and I look forward to sharing the results with you on Sunday.

Sunday School is Back! Please join us each week at 9:15 am! Please pray for your teacher and plan to be present with your family. We are having a blessed time in the book of Proverbs.

Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer Meeting are back! Please join us each Wednesday at 6:15 pm.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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