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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Pastor's Blog: God is Blessing TBC!

We had another great day at TBC last Sunday. Numerous visitors, our largest crowd since the pandemic started (75), and then the great news about the sale of the lake property. God has blessed us richly, and it is time for us to get back to work growing His church.

I am very grateful for our Finance Committee and their work in getting us in a position to sell the lake property. While it is bittersweet, we must see the hand of God in the process. God will be glorified greatly as we will be able to pay off our debt and take care of several critical items of need. Let’s pray and trust God that we are about to enter our greatest season of ministry in the history of our church!

What a blessing we are enjoying as we work through the book of Daniel! We are currently in Daniel 3 and learning what real faith looks like through the actions of Daniel’s three friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. This coming week we will see the result of their time in the fire with the Lord Jesus Christ. All of our sermons can be accessed here:

We are back at it on Wednesday nights at 6:15 – prayer meeting is important and we need to make our way back to church. The report from the CDC this week indicates that they severely overstated the case regarding deaths related to COVID. I am not surprised by this. While we need to continue to take the coronavirus situation seriously, we must also take seriously God’s command to gather for worship, prayer, and praise. On Wednesdays, I plan on bringing some messages from the book of Jeremiah. Recall, he was the preacher that Daniel and his friends grew up listening to. He has a word for the Jews in Judah and Babylon – a word that applies directly in many ways to us as believers today.

What does the church need most today? That, in my humble opinion, is not hard to answer. The greatest need is for holy men of God to rise up and provide the love, leadership, and labor that the church needs to accomplish its mission. The church is weak because its families are weak. Families are weak because they are led by weak men who are not prepared to live a holy life and give the spiritual leadership their families so desperately need. This is a critical need at TBC. We are offering you men a much-needed corrective – MFL by Zoom on Sunday nights. We are studying Holiness, a book by J.C. Ryle. While I am encouraged by the handful of men who are participating, I am discouraged by the many men who are missing. Yes, it takes discipline and time. The rewards will be eternal. You need it, your family needs it, and your church is desperate for it. I implore you to join us!

Remember, we will restart Sunday School on September 13. I want to encourage you to return to worship in-person and to be present for Sunday School come September 13. I will be personally teaching the young adult and college class. We will be in Proverbs, where we will learn much practical wisdom.

As always, I am looking forward to hearing about what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – once again, in-person!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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