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Pastor's Blog: Going Deeper with God

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Our series on Philippians is off to a great start. We have studied the background from Acts chapters 15 and 16. Paul received and responded to the Macedonian Call and we saw the tremendous power of the Gospel to change and transform people’s lives through the Macedonian Conversions. If the Gospel has not made a significant change in your life then I would doubt the validity of your salvation. When God gets a hold of someone, He changes them!

I ask again, have you truly experienced the transforming power of Jesus? If you have, your desire is to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are blessed to have one of America’s premier speakers on the subjects of prayer, spiritual awakening and revival with us this week. Please make plans to be here for every session of our “Going Deeper with God” Conference this weekend, Oct. 26-27.

Note: call the church office and sign up for dinner on Saturday night at 5:30. Our Sunday School, youth and adult divisions, will meet this coming Sunday in the Sanctuary with Dr. Frizzell. He will be preaching then in the morning service and we will have two final sessions Sunday evening at 5:30.

Thank you for your prayers for The Great Exchange campus evangelism ministry in Kentucky last week. We had events on three campuses, had 173 gospel conversations and 12 students prayed to receive Christ!

Please pray for Lisa Johnson and the Jubalheirs of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board as they travel to Israel over the next couple of weeks. Prayer cards specific to this trip are available on the Lord’s Supper table in the Sanctuary.

This past Sunday night I did a brief introduction to the Spiritual Gifts. Our seminar on this subject, called “Understanding Your Motivation for Ministry,” will continue on November 3 at 5:30pm. This study is essential for our church at this time. The book, Your Reasonable Service, is available in the foyer. All the information regarding the costs are on the table with the book and other materials. If you would like to purchase your book by credit card, please see me after a service and I will help you out. You can pay by cash, check (made out to TREAD Ministries) or credit card.

I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together.

Blessings, YFJS, Bro Tom

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