Well, praise the Lord anyway! We were looking forward to our second drive-in service last Sunday and the thunderstorms caused us to have to revert to the online service only. But what a blessing it was hear from heaven and learn about the second coming of our Lord! Next Sunday’s forecast is currently (on Tuesday) calling for 0% rain! We will have drive-in and it will be streamed live on Facebook as well, at 10:30 am.
When can we get back to in person worship at church? I’m glad you asked, and I’m grateful that we all realize in a much greater way how important church attendance is! Sometimes you don’t miss it as much until you can’t do it. Just ask some of our homebound folks, they know the reality of this all too well.
David said it well, “I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord'" (Ps. 122:1; cf. Is. 2:3; Mic. 4:2; Jer. 7:2; Heb. 10:25). I am looking forward to the day we will be able to open the Lord’s house and all of us gather together for worship. Soon and very soon!
Here’s the plan going forward for April 26. We will have the online Sunday School service at 9 am on Facebook Live. We will have a drive-in service at 10:30 which will be broadcast at the church on 1610 AM Radio and live streamed on our Facebook Page. I am prayerful and hopeful for a return to church services in the facility on May 17. However, if we are not back to “normal” by then we will continue with the above schedule. If we can do it sooner, we will try.
The Governor, as most of you surely know, is allowing a phased-in process of opening businesses in Georgia. Social distancing requirements remain in place and proper safety measures should be the rule for all of us. However, the shelter-in-place order remains in effect through April 30. Our staff is meeting by Zoom this week along with some of our deacon leadership. We hope to have an announcement out soon about when and how we will resume worship at Tabernacle. Please keep an eye on emails, all-call texts and messages, our Facebook page and the website. Those locations will give the latest information about what we are planning.
There are a number of important considerations for restarting in person meetings. Pray that God will give us both wisdom and grace as we determine our next steps. We are now able to do in-person worship legally but we are not prepared yet to undertake that with the required protocols. Be patient. Our drive-in services will allow some of our seniors to attend church who might feel unsafe coming to an in-person service.
We will also continue our Wednesday night prayer service live on Facebook at 7 pm. This week we will continue our Q & A on the Bible with Pastor Tom Live on Facebook.
Send your questions directly to my email account please, tom@terush.com. Please put in the subject line–TBC Q & A. Or go to our website: https://www.tbcmacon.com/question - there is a form you can fill out with your question and it will come to me.
Please remember that the church’s financial needs continue. Thank you for your faithfulness in this regard. You can mail your tithe check to the church (please use the new PO Box) or give online at: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/tabe6611136
As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – from our cars, trucks, living rooms, dens, and other locations! Pray!
Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom