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Pastor's Blog: Spiritual Gifts

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Two weeks ago, I did a brief introduction to the Spiritual Gifts. Our seminar on this subject, called “Understanding Your Motivation for Ministry,” will continue this Sunday, November 3 at 5:30pm. This study is essential for our church at this time. The book, Your Reasonable Service, is available in the foyer. All the information regarding the costs are on the table with the book and other materials. If you would like to purchase your book by credit card, please see me after a service and I will help you out. You can pay by cash, check (made out to TREAD Ministries) or credit card.

This Sunday I will bring a message titled, “A Pulpit of Wood,” from Nehemiah 8. I will cover some aspects of the furniture we use in the sanctuary. Does it matter? Is tradition important? We will answer these other important questions. Our series in Philippians will continue on November 10.

I am writing this on the last day of October. For many years now, October has been slated as Pastor Appreciation Month. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Tabernacle as your Interim Pastor. You have been very kind and gracious to me and I am most thankful for our partnership in ministry during this time of transition for our church. One of the great blessings I have received in coming to Tabernacle is the opportunity to work with two of finest young pastors I know, Kenny Wells and Landon Crenshaw.

These two men are a tremendous blessing to our church. If you have not already done so, please express your appreciation to them for all they do for our church. A card or letter, with a tangible gift as you are able, would be a great blessing to them. While you are at it, please remember to express appreciation to our very capable staff as well. Melba Hubbard and Lydia Holloman are a joy to work with and do so much to make our church a great place to serve the Lord. I am deeply grateful to God to have these two wonderful ladies working at TBC!

Thank you for your continued prayers for The Great Exchange campus evangelism ministry in Kentucky that I am leading. Next week I will be headed to the University of Kentucky, Lexington; Northern Kentucky University; Highland Heights (Cincinnati area); and Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. Your prayer support for this trip will be greatly needed and appreciated.

I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together.

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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