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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Pastor's Blog: Super Sunday

Super Sunday is upon us. The world will have its eyes on Miami Gardens this Sunday evening, as the supposedly two best football teams square off in the NFL Championship game. I understand the interest; I used to be interested myself. The NFL lost all its luster when they began disrespecting the flag that I had the great privilege of serving under. As far as the game goes, I couldn’t care less. But I do understand the interest.

Here is what I don’t understand. Laying out of church for secular pursuits. The truth is, for the true Believer, every Sunday is Super. We have a Supernatural Sovereign God to worship named the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave His life, shed His blood, and was raised from the dead for our salvation! What could be more super than that? I urge you to put first things first and to not let secular pursuits keep you from your first priority of worshipping the Lord on Sunday (Heb. 10:25).

As for TBC, this Sunday, we will have our regular evening service and then enjoy a time of fellowship and food as we watch the game together in the great room. This Sunday evening, we will finish up the Serving Gifts, looking at the gifts of administration/leading and mercy.

On Sunday morning we will begin a two-part series on stewardship. God has much to say about money in the Bible and it would do us well to reacquaint ourselves with His desires and instructions on how we should handle our money. This week I will preach a message entitled, “Good Measure, Pressed Down.” I will follow that up, Lord willing, on the next Sunday with my message, “Giving Away What You Cannot Keep.”

We had a great start to our new men’s Bible study, the MFL, or Men Fearing the Lord, last week. I am looking forward to this time of discipleship with our men. We’ll meet in the Great Room right after the evening service each week, starting back on Feb. 9.

Wednesday night – we are continuing a very important study! Join us at 6:15 for prayer meeting as we work through Thom Rainer’s “Autopsy of a Deceased Church.” Your input is crucial – looking forward to seeing you on Wednesdays. We will have the study notes up on the website soon.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together.

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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